Congress - Page 173

Romney’s Navy Plan

October 12, 2012 11:36 AM - Updated: February 5, 2013 2:51 PM
This week in a speech in Virginia, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney talked about his plan to build a 350-ship…

The Sinking of the Sydney

September 17, 2012 10:13 AM - Updated: February 5, 2013 8:45 PM
As more information comes in from the Sunday attack on Camp Bastion, Afghanistan more and more news outlets are calling…

Seasick: Our Acidic Oceans

September 5, 2012 4:59 PM - Updated: February 5, 2013 8:34 PM
Proceedings, Sept. 2012 Carbon dioxide . . . it’s what makes our soft drinks zesty and champagne . . .…

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