Veterans Affairs - Page 7

McCain: Hagel Vote Likely This Week

February 25, 2013 9:04 AM
Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), a leading critic of the Obama administration’s nominee for U.S. Secretary of Defense, said on nominee…

Bob Work’s Greatest Hits

February 20, 2013 12:00 PM
Tuesday, the Center for New American Security annouced that Under Secretary of the Navy Bob Work would become its new Chief Executive Officer in April. While in…

FP: Bob Work to be New CNAS CEO

February 19, 2013 9:14 PM - Updated: February 19, 2013 9:52 PM
Under Secretary of the Navy Bob Work plans to be the new chief executive of the Center for New American Security…

Politico: Hagel Vote Blocked

February 14, 2013 1:26 PM
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday Chuck Hagel’s nomination to be the next Secretary of Defense was being blocked…

CNO’s HASC Opening Statement

February 13, 2013 1:22 PM
Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert’s opening statement to the House Armed Services Committee for the Feb. 13 House…
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