U.S. Army - Page 90

Security Firm: PLA Unit Major Hacker

February 19, 2013 12:44 PM - Updated: February 19, 2013 1:44 PM
A unit of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is one the most persistent Chinese security threats responsible for stealing, “hundreds…

Carter and Congress Clash Over Budget Cuts

February 14, 2013 7:16 PM - Updated: February 14, 2013 9:03 PM
Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter reiterated to Congress the need for legislative action to stop the looming March deadline…

Politico: Hagel Vote Blocked

February 14, 2013 1:26 PM
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday Chuck Hagel’s nomination to be the next Secretary of Defense was being blocked…

Reports: US Starts Pulling Gear Out of Afghanistan

February 12, 2013 3:39 PM - Updated: February 13, 2013 10:24 AM
The massive material withdrawal from Afghanistan began Monday when almost 50 containers of weapons and equipment began leaving via Pakistani…

Funding Faults Threaten to Hollow Force

February 5, 2013 10:24 AM - Updated: February 9, 2013 6:14 PM
With the passage of the Budget Control Act (BCA) in 2011, Congress and the President set up a series of…

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