The Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group passed through the Strait of Gibraltar and into the Mediterranean Sea yesterday, officially putting two aircraft carriers in the Med for simultaneous operations for the first time since sequestration limited funding for deployments.
The Ike CSG continues to perform Great Green Fleet operations, as it has since entering U.S. 6th Fleet on June 8. As part of the GGF deployment, Ike and its associated ships will conduct a multi-day passing exercise with the Italian navy’s Flotta Verde (Green Fleet), during which an Italian oiler will refuel Ike CSG ships with an advanced alternative fuel, according to a U.S. Navy statement.
“Ike CSG ships are the centerpiece of the Great Green Fleet initiative, which emphasizes use of energy conservation measures as a key combat enabler to allow ships to go farther, stay longer and deliver more firepower,” according to the statement.
The Harry S. Truman CSG, on the other hand, continues its strike mission against ISIS targets from the Mediterranean.