The following is the Oct. 29, 2020 Government Accountability Office report, Navy Maintenace: Navy Report Did Not Fully Address Causes of Delays or Results-Oriented Elements.
From the report
The Navy’s July 2020 report identified two key causes and several contributing factors regarding maintenance delays for aircraft carriers, surface ships, and submarines, but did not identify other causes. For public shipyards, the Navy’s report identified the key cause of maintenance delays as insufficient capacity relative to growing maintenance requirements. For private shipyards, the Navy’s report identified the key cause as the addition of work requirements after a contract is awarded. These causes and other identified factors generally align with factors that GAO has previously identified as originating during the maintenance process. However, the Navy’s report did not consider causes and factors originating in the acquisition process or as a result of operational decisions, as shown below.
The report identified stakeholders needed to implement action plans, but did not fully incorporate other elements of results-oriented management, including achievable goals, metrics to measure progress, and resources and risks. Some examples from the report:
- Stakeholders: Identified Naval Sea Systems Command as the primary implementer of most initiatives related to maintenance at shipyards.
- Goals: Included a goal of reducing days of maintenance delay by 80 percent during fiscal year 2020.The Navy did not achieve this goal based on GAO’s analysis of Navy data.
- Metrics: Included some metrics. The Navy is still identifying and developing other key metrics.
- Resources: Did not identify costs of the actions in the report.
- Risks: Identified as risks the coronavirus pandemic, unstable funding, and limited material availability. However, the report did not assess additional risks that GAO previously identified.
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