The following is from the U.S. Marine Corps 2013 Seabasing Required Capabilities Annual Report.
The Seabasing Required Capabilities Annual Report is published to provide Navy and Marine Corps capability developers, program managers, operational planners and warfighters an overview of key programs managed and monitored by the Seabasing Integration Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Combat Development & Integration. The Annual Report also provides a list of required capabilities for the Afloat MAGTF to effectively operate in the seabase and to extend naval power ashore through the conduct of naval expeditionary operations.
The ability to operate simultaneously and seamlessly on the seas, ashore, in the air and in space all while operating across the range of military operations is a keystone of the Navy/ Marine Corps Team. Naval Expeditionary Forces, a combination of Marine Air Ground Task Forces (MAGTFs) and Navy Ships, enable us to move seamlessly through these domains and provide a uniquely critical and capable component of our ability to forward deploy our naval capability for persistent presence and crisis response in a dynamic threat environment.
This Annual Report for sea-based requirements positions us to be ready to meet those needs and to ensure we are adequately resourcing seabasing capabilities.