Briefing: ‘Virtually All’ Navy Civilians Face Furlough
In the event of sequestration, U.S. Navy civilians could face a loss 22 days of their income for Fiscal Year 2013, according to briefing…
CNO Brief on Civilian Furloughs
A Feb. 19, 2013 brief from CNO Admiral Jonathan Greenert on the planned U.S. Navy civilians furloughs in the event of sequestration.…
Panetta’s Feb. 20 Memo to Civillian Workforce
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s Feb. 20 memo to Pentagon civillian employees.…

Russian Ships To Syria Don’t Mean Much
Early in the summer of 2012, a number of international observers got very worked up about Russia’s plan to dispatch half a dozen warships…

Panetta to Congress: DoD Civillian Furloughs Coming
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta issued a message to the Pentagon’s civilian employees warning of coming furloughs if mandatory cuts from sequestration go through,…

Budget Woes Cause Ike to Deploy Early
After only two months back at homeport, the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group (CSG) will depart Naval Station Norfolk, Va. Thursday for another deployment to…

Down to One Middle East Carrier
Looming budget restrictions means the U.S. Navy will reduce the American presence in U.S. Central Command from two aircraft carriers to one for the…

Bob Work’s Greatest Hits
Tuesday, the Center for New American Security annouced that Under Secretary of the Navy Bob Work would become its new Chief Executive Officer in April. While in office, Work has been…

Bleaker Navy Guidance for CR and Sequestration
The Navy released new budget guidance in the event of a Fiscal Year 2013-long Continuing Resolution and a March sequester.…

FP: Bob Work to be New CNAS CEO
Under Secretary of the Navy Bob Work plans to be the new chief executive of the Center for New American Security (CNAS) beginning on April 22,…

Security Firm: PLA Unit Major Hacker
A unit of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is one the most persistent Chinese security threats responsible for stealing, “hundreds of terabytes of data…

Statement from President: Gen. John Allen to Retire
Statement from the President on General John Allen Today, I met with General John Allen and accepted his request to retire from the military…