The Need for Unmanned Aircraft in Modern Warfare
As potent weapons as they have been in the years since the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, unmanned aircraft — or drones as…

TV Spies of the Cold War Era
During the 1980s with no end of the Cold War in sight, the CIA became alarmed at the number of Soviet spies working for…

Document: 2013 Surface Warfare Officer Junior Officer Survey
The U.S. Navy has released its Surface Warfare Officer 2013 Junior Officer survey. The service has conducted the survey once every two years since…

Chinese Carrier Completes Training Mission
China’s first modern aircraft carrier has returned to port after more than a month at sea on a training mission, Chinese state media reported…

Document: Pentagon’s Unmanned Systems Roadmap
The following is from the Department of Defense’s Unmanned Systems Integrated Roadmap: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2038. Unmanned systems continue to deliver new and…

Opinion: Don’t Short Change the U.S. Marines
As we continue to plunge headlong into shortsighted military unpreparedness driven by a strong case of strategic blindness, fiscal uncertainty and political timidity, it…

Top Stories 2013: U.S. Navy Operations
USNI News polled its writers, naval analysts, and service members on what they consider the most important military and maritime stories in 2013.…

Navy: F-35C Will Be Eyes and Ears of the Fleet
The Lockheed Martin F-35C Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) will be the eyes and ears of the fleet inside highly contested airspace when it enters…

Top Stories 2013: U.S. Navy Acquisition
USNI News polled its writers, naval analysts, and service members on what they consider the most important military and maritime stories in 2013.…

Navy: Six Months of Repairs to Drone-Struck Ship Will Cost $30 million
The U.S. Navy ship that was struck by an errant target drone will need an estimated six-months of repairs costing around $30 million, according…

Top Stories 2013: Foreign Developments
USNI News polled its writers, naval analysts, and service members on what they consider the most important military and maritime stories in 2013.…

Major Work to Replace Navy’s Super Hornet to Start in 2015
The U.S. Navy expects to undertake an analysis of alternatives (AoA) for its F/A-XX next-generation replacement for the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet starting in…