New U.S. Navy Cannibalization Instructions
June 5, 2012 U.S. Navy directions dealing with cannibalization of parts onboard ships.…
Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans: Background and Issues for Congress
June 14, 2012 Congressional Research Service report: “Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans: Background and Issues for Congress,” by Ronald O’Rourke…
U.S. Navy 30-year Shipbuilding Plan
The U.S. Navy’s shipbuilding plan.…

Cause for Alarm
Proceedings, December 2012 The Navy’s future leaders should go to General Quarters with so many commanding officers being in the headlines lately. A young…

The Royal Navy’s Pacific Strike Force
Naval History Magazine, January 2013 After more than five exhausting years of global conflict, the British Commonwealth organized a powerful modern fleet that fought…
Sequestration: Coming Soon?
Sequestration has lately been hotly debated and often derided. Many probably have heard the term, aware it involves budget reductions, and possibly many know…

Bradley Manning and a History of Intelligence Leaks
U.S. Army Pfc. Bradley E. Manning, the soldier accused of the largest leak of state secrets in U.S. history, plans to speak in a…

More Marines to Libya: FAST Companies
Editor’s note: The Pentagon is sending additional U.S. Marines to Libya to reinforce existing U.S. security forces following the attack on the consulate in…

Arabian Gulf Mine Exercise is Needed Practice for U.S.
When an obviously lost tourist approached Arthur Rubenstein on a Manhattan street and asked how to get to Carnegie Hall, the piano virtuoso replied:…

Historic Aircraft – A Dart From The Sea
Naval History Magazine, Dec. 2012 From the 1920s into World War II several nations developed high-performance floatplane aircraft. Indeed, some were among the fastest…
Combat Fleets ’82: Falklands Carriers
In the event of the loss of a British carrier in the 1982 Falklands War, the U.S. was prepared to loan a helicopter carrier…

Combat Fleets: China Update
The ever-growing reach of China’s navy was demonstrated recently when two of its warships sailed through the Turkish Straits and into the Black Sea…